CombinedParsers.jl Documentation


A package for combining parsers and transforming strings into julia types.

Compose parsers with the functional parser combinator paradigm, utilize Julia's type inferrence for transformations, log conveniently for debugging, and let Julia compile your parser for good performance.

Compose parsers parsimoneously within a functional parser combinator paradigm, utilize Julia's type inference for transformations, log conveniently for debugging, and let Julia compile your parser for performance.


CombinedParsers.jl is currently a release candidate presented at JuliaCon2020. See the next steps section, if interested.

Package Features


  • optimized julia @generated functions for parametric parser and state types (benchmarks in compliance tests)
  • fast trie-based scanning (example), compile with your custom parsing algorithm (example)
  • often matches faster than C library PCRE regular expressions
  • memoization with WithMemory
  • lazy transformations of match states (for Sequence and Repeat)




  • Lazily iterate all valid parsings.
  • Higher-order parsers: after matching a left-hand parser a right-hand parser is constructed in arbitrary function of the left-hand match.
  • Parse binary data Vector{UInt8} and any sequence type supporting getindex, nextind, prevind methods (cf. bson example).

Getting started

CombinedParsers.jl is a registered package. Install with

] add CombinedParsers

See the Index for the complete list of documented functions and types.

If you prefer a video introduction:

8-min JuliaCon2020 talk3h JuliaCon2021 workshop
JuliaCon2020 talkJuliaCon2021 workshop

Example: rational numbers arithmetics

Parsing is reading and transforming a sequence of characters. CombinedParsers provides constructors to combine parsers and transform (sub-)parsings arbitrarily with julia syntax.

using CombinedParsers
using TextParse

This example reads and evaluates arithmetical terms for rational numbers. The following defines an evaluating parser for rational number terms as sequences of subterms interleaved with operators.

Subterms are Either integer numbers, TextParse.Numeric(Int) converted to Rational{Int}, or subterms are written as parentheses around a nested term:

@syntax subterm = Either{Rational{Int}}(Any[TextParse.Numeric(Int)]; convert=true);
@syntax for parenthesis in subterm
    mult         = evaluate |> join(subterm, CharIn("*/"), infix=:prefix )
    @syntax term = evaluate |> join(mult,    CharIn("+-"), infix=:prefix )

The @syntax definition in 5,5 lines is sufficient for parsing and evaluating arithmetics: Base.join(x, delimiter; infix=:prefix) is shorthand for Sequence(x ,Repeat( delimiter * x )), and f |> parser is shorthand for map(f,parser). That's all! @syntax registers a @term_string macro for parsing and transforming:

julia> result_type(term)Rational{Int64}
julia> term"(1+2)/5"3//5
julia> # The defined `CombinedParser` `term` function # provides optional logging of the parsing process. term("1/((1+2)*4+3*(5*2))",log = [:parenthesis]) match parenthesis@4-9: 1/((1+2)*4+3*( ^___^ match parenthesis@14-19: *4+3*(5*2)) ^___^ match parenthesis@3-20: 1/((1+2)*4+3*(5*2)) ^_______________^ 1//42

Is every rational answer ultimately the inverse of a universal question in life?

Note: The evaluate function definition is detailed in the full example.

julia> evaluate( (0, [ ('+',1), ('-',2) ]) )-1//1
julia> evaluate( (1, [ ('*',4), ('/',3) ]) )4//3

Useful Design

  • WikitextParser.jl is a CombinedParser for parsing wikitext syntax, quite comprehensibly and representing Wikipedia articles within Julia.
  • OrgmodeParser.jl is a CombinedParser for parsing main org mode syntax, representing org files within Julia.
  • CombinedParserTools.jl is currently more or less my own workspace to provide a set of re-useable parsers, used in WikitextParser.
  • Tries.jl is the abstract implementation of the fast prefix-tree matching in CombinedParsers (see docs)
  • ReversedStrings.jl implements lazy lazy String transformations and reverse (similar to LazyArrays.jl)

If you want to work with any of these open source packages, I will gladly provide professional support. If you are writing your own recursive CombinedParser and seek inspiration, you might find these comprehensive examples interesting. (currently α release, so beware, dragons!)

The CombinedParsers design

  • is fast due to Julia parametric types, and compiler optimizations with generated functions,
  • its strictly typed parsing defines the domain data types,
  • is composable and optimizable with Julia method dispatch,
  • provides flexible public API for parsing, matching, iteration

Making Julia parametric types central for the parser design equally allows automation of the data pipeline after parsing.

FilingForest demonstrates indexing the German Wiktionary into a columnar database, with fast selecting and measuring. I am finishing the write-up of Wiktionary data parsing into a language graph database including:

  • fast db-indexing of text streams (e.g. logging): If you need support indexing logging streams into a (SQL-)Database, the (currently) proprietary TypeGraphs.jl provides CombinedParsers plug and play: Table schemas are infered from your parser.
  • fast out-of core data science/AI on your parsed data: If you need support with storing parsed data in optimized memory-mapped JuliaDB, TypeDB.jl provides CombinedParsers plug and play.
  • fast scientific measurements in a data graph: FilingForest IA.jl provides CombinedParsers plug and play: even for recursively nested data.

All (currently) proprietary packages are default-over-configuration for fast integration, and are in active development.

  • fast HTTP-serving of parsed data: If you need support with a parsing server-client infrastructure, the (currently) proprietary GraphQLAlchemy.jl provides CombinedParsers plug and play: GraphQL schemas and resolver are infered from your parser.

Optimization Strategy

With the C PCRE2 library testset, and for 58% of patterns, CombinedParsers match faster than Regex (first 100 pattern). C PCRE2 optimized is among the fastest regex libraries (second behind Rust, running mariomka's benchmark will position CombinedParser among its competition). Explorations for optimization are in git branches.

All benchmarks are wrong, but some are useful - Szilard, benchm-ml

The package is maturing, and optimization is ongoing. If you are interested in and able to dive deeper into the Julia memory layout and compiler, I would gladly collaborate on further optimizations:

  • String layout: Parsing requires repeated Char comparisons. In UTF8, frequent characters are encoded shorter (8 bit), rare have longer codes. For this reason, in Julia String indices are not consecutive and transversal requires using infamous nextind and prevind. Profiling:
    • leftof and rightof comsume considerable time. CombinedParsers.NCodeunitsState can speed up that traversal
    • CombinedParsers currently operates on the result of getindex(::String,index)::Char (technically on iterate(::String,index)::Tuple{Char,Int}). Could matching use the raw byte representation directly?
  • Macros: make all iteration @generated functions using expressions generated by a dispatched iterate_expression that can be used in a macro @iterate to generate an unrolled/unnested iteration code. (Profiling hints that function calls do hardly contribute to runtime.)


This package is enabled only due to the Julia's compiler and superior type system. Thankfully: a really concise language for powerful computing!

I am thankful for contributions and inspiration from many great packages:


A bunch of fast text parsing tools, used in CSV.jl

CombinedParsers composes with TextParse.jl both ways (CombinedParser <: TextParse.AbstractToken and provides a method for CombinedParsers.tryparsenext)


  • The work was strongly inspired by the great Scala fastparse package, and also the elm parser.
  • Parsers.jl, a collection of parsers for date and primitive types, inspired the parse methods.
  • Automa.jl, a Julia package for text validation, parsing, and tokenizing based on state machine compiler. The package compiles deterministic finite automata. (Currently there is no inter-operation possible, because in Automa processing of parsed tokens is done with actions).
  • ParserCombinator.jl was a great inspiration. Yet I decided for a new design with a focus on transformations and type inference with parametric types, instead of basing this work off ParserCombinator, written before 2016 (and fixed for Julia 1.0 in 2018). CombinedParsers integrates into the Julia 1.0 Iteration API, small Union{Nothing,T} where T types instead of using Nullables, compiler optimizations and generated functions. I want to provide benchmarks comparisons with ParserCombinator.jl.

Next Steps

  • [ ] Syntax freeze – your comments are appreciated!
  • [ ] decide for a error tracing strategy, backtracking. If you want to collaborate on stepping & debugging, please reach out to me.
  • [ ] Performance optimizations
  • [ ] streaming
  • [ ] test coverage underestimated (PCRE tests are not included in travis)
  • [ ] Code Style: Blue

Contributing and Questions

Contributions and feedback are very welcome, especially regarding brief syntax and constructor dispatch. Please open an issue if you encounter any problems or would just like to ask a question, or contact me at




Library API
